Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for security and prevention of the infection’s spread, the Meeting of the Board of Directors, held on December 8, 2020, was convened online under the provisions of the SAKOM Statute with an aim to discuss the following matters:
Deciding on granting scholarships to Milena Lazarević and Jovana Ristić, who are attending the elective course ‘Azerbaijani Language’ at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, in the monthly amount of 100.00 EUR starting from December 1, 2020, until November 30, 2021, based on Article 24 of the Chamber’s Statute.
The Faculty of Philology’s commission nominated the candidates. Their scholarship applications were supported, among other required documentation, by a letter of recommendation of the candidates’ lecturer, confirming their academic success and material need for additional support in the form of scholarship.
- Deciding on a one-time donation of shoes and uniforms in the amount of 4.500,00 EUR in dinars to health workers of the Hospital-Clinical Center KBC ZEMUN.
SAKOM had a pleasure to inform the Board during the Meeting that upon the Board’s decision, SAKOM will obtain 114 pairs of shoes and 138 coats for uniforms to allow a non-interrupted working process in these difficult times. This is not only humanitarian aid but also a deep concern for Serbian citizens and healthcare staff, who with all their professional capacity, knowledge, and energy, take part in this fight against a difficult illness. The contract’s value for donation is 527.799, 85 dinars, which approximately equals 4.500 euros.
The Board voted unanimously, making affirmative decisions on the abovementioned items of the agenda.
This online Meeting yet again focused on SAKOM’s current main activity in the humanitarian field, aiming to promote the cultural exchange of the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Azerbaijan, and providing crucially needed help to the health workers, who are continuing their enormously significant fight with the ongoing pandemic. Most importantly, the Meeting embodied the spirit of solidarity, preserving optimism that is still incredibly needed to overcome the present hardships.
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020